Deixo-vos um video experimental com uma sequência coreografica para o meu workshop de Exotic Pole Flow & Floorwork. Inspirada pelas grandes bailarinas russas fantásticas neste estilo, utilizo diversos movimentos de pernas em niveis espaciais baixos e médios e também a flexibilidade dos membros inferiores. Divirtam-se! Filmado em Deep Dance Pole Dance Studio Here it is an experimental video for my workshop Exotic Pole Flow & Floorwork routine. Inspired by the amazing Russian dancers I use different leg movements in low and medium spatial levels and also leg flexibility. I hope you enjoy it! Filmed at Deep Dance Pole Dance Studio
Always something to work on, Always something to celebrate. Pole Training at Deep Dance Pole Dance Studio Just because it feels so good to move, to express my emotions through movement, to get in touch with my soul and be free! |
who am i?
I'm Carolina Ramos and I am a professional dancer, teacher and choreographer from Portugal. Archives
Outubro 2017