"The stage is my temple where the communication of the body, the heart and the soul take place with the audience. It is this magical experience of giving and receiving that seems to transcend time and space. All in there is huge, intense, sensitive, powerful... When the Show is over it feels just like a dream..." By Carolina Ramos
For me Pole Dance is not just about fitness and physical workout. It is also about expression, how individually express yourself, how you communicate using the pole, using this two elements of earth and air.
I embrace all styles of Pole as long as you feel true to yourself. Delve deep into it, find yourself and share the love. Like these no one is the same and everybody can bring so much into the Pole World. I am a very passionate and emotional artist and teacher. I bring my passion and experience into my classes and workshops, I share all that I know, I try to take out all your potential so you can shine and find peace and happiness. Breathe and fly with me! Aqui ficam umas fotografias da minha actuação de Pole Dance no Cabaret Circo Halloween do Armazém 13 em Lisboa de 31 de Outubro 2015.
O video pode ser visualizado na secção de videos do meu website. http://www.carolinaramos.net/videos.html Some photos from my Pole Dance Act at Cabaret Circo Halloween by Armazém 13 in Lisbon from October 31st, 2015. The video can be seen at the video section of my website. http://www.carolinaramos.net/videos.html Pole Heart é um projecto criado em Setembro de 2015 por Carolina Ramos e tem como objectivo o ensino artístico e especializado de Pole Dance nas vertentes técnicas e artísticas de forma a fazer uma fusão entre dança e acrobacia. O método de ensino é personalizado e prima pela qualidade de modo a oferecer ao aluno o desenvolvimento das suas capacidades, a potencializar a sua criatividade e individualidade e um aperfeiçoamento técnico e artístico contínuo. Pretendemos oferecer um ambiente profissional de cooperação, de segurança e de bem-estar. Este projecto está sediado nas instalações da IART em Santos, num lindo estúdio com vista para o rio Tejo. Dia 18 de Setembro realizou-se a Festa de Abertura com muito pole, convivio e música a cargo do DJ Rodric. Aguardo pela tua visita! Um pouco de Pole Flow que aprendi pela Marlo Fisken no Lisbon Pole Camp 2015 The Exclusive Workshops A little Pole Flow Routine which I learned from Marlo Fisken at Lisbon Pole Camp 2015 The Exclusive Workshops Pole Heart is a project created in 2015 by Carolina Ramos and aims to specialized teaching Pole Dance in its technical and artistic aspects in order to make a fusion of dance and acrobatics. The teaching method is personalized and on quality in order to offer the student to develop their skills, to enhance their creativity and individuality and a continuous technical and artistic improvement. We aim to offer a professional environment of cooperation, security and well-being. This project runs in the IART facilities in Lisbon in a beautiful studio with a view to Tagus River. On September 18th we had a Opening Party with a lot of Pole Play and music by DJ Rodric. Come visit me if you are Lisbon! Elevo o Pole Dance a Arte. Na Arte não existe competição, existe sim espaço à criatividade, beleza, sintonia e união com o todo. A união da Dança com a Acrobacia é o que me inspira, a procura da expressão mais autêntica e real da minha alma, a escuta e interpretação da música, a sintonia com o momento presente, a comunicação com o outro, a liberdade de expressão. “O fim da arte inferior é agradar, o fim da arte média é elevar, o fim da arte superior é libertar. “ Fernando Pessoa I raise the Pole Dance to a state of Art. In Art there is no competition, there is rather space to creativity, beauty, harmony and unity with the whole. The union of Dance with Acrobatics is what inspires me, the search for the most authentic and real expression of my soul, the listening and interpretation of the music, the tune with the present time, the communication with the other, the freedom of expression. "The goal of the lower art is to please, the goal of the average art is elevate, the goal of the higher art is to set free.” Fernando Pessoa |
who am i?
I'm Carolina Ramos and I am a professional dancer, teacher and choreographer from Portugal. Archives
Outubro 2017